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Is your talent acquisition strategy a numbers game? Filling open positions can be a revolving door. You need a recruiting strategy that reflects your unique brand and attracts people who share your company vision and values.

Puzzled where the workforce went? While many organizations assume the pandemic turned workers away, we recognize that many of the changes were emerging before the impact of the pandemic.

The shift in generations in the workforce is just one of the significant disruptors that is surfacing in recruiting. As the workforce evolves to majority millennials, employers are recognizing a need to rebrand with values-based recruitment, strengthen company culture, and evaluate flexible working arrangements. Recruiting needs to reflect the talent they want to attract through human-centered and tech-enabled strategies aligned with workforce planning.

Synthology’s recruiting services consider Day 0 to be a critical factor in the potential of your organization. We approach recruiting through a human- centered, tech-enabled lens that recognizes the mutual investment of employee and employer, and invites the new hire to join the journey.


Think onboarding is a perfunctory paperwork process? Think again. You have a one in five chance of losing your talent to the competition.

When orientation is the most disorienting part of joining a new workplace, your company suffers – mismanaged expectations, starchy meetings, and endless paperwork and job portals can push out new hires. And it shows: only 12% of employees believe that their organization is doing onboarding right (Gallup), and up to 20% of staff turnover happens within the first 45 days of employment (SHRM). 

On top of that, the process is more tech-focused than ever, and yet we’re starved for more human experiences in an organization where we can feel that we truly belong. At Synthology, we engage with a human-centered, tech-enabled strategy for onboarding. We simplify what needs to get done with seamless, easy-to-navigate technology, and we support individual growth with high-touch, personalized paths to unleash your team’s fullest potential and set your employees off to a strong start. We’re passionate about getting you to that flow state – where your company and your people are aligned in purpose.


The leadership landscape is shifting. Millennials will make up 75% of the workforce by 2025. As these emerging leaders step into challenging roles, your organization will be redefined through a new leadership lens.

94% say that they would stay at a company longer if that company invested in learning opportunities (LinkedIn), and lack of advancement opportunities was their second-highest deciding factor for quitting a job in 2021 (Pew Research Center). We believe that the strongest companies prioritize learning in the flow of work, and we excel at equipping talent with job-ready knowledge and expanding the potential of each person. 

Our learning solutions are designed to empower your team to leverage their unique skills and talents, aligning their professional goals with the vision of your company. With our human-centered and tech-enabled model, we create a high-touch L&D experience, boosting productivity by using technology to create effortless, personalized learning paths.Synthology’s unique talent lifecycle approach also supports the sustained growth of your employees at every step of their professional journey, fostering competence and confidence on your team’s path towards success.

Performance Management

Is your performance management more about process or people? Purpose, recognition, and regular feedback are powerful factors in employee potential and workplace culture.

As consultants who have traveled through the talent strategy lifecycle with global companies, we see where people stumble in their journey. Too often, performance management is the roadblock. It’s not performance management itself. It is the disconnect from recruiting and hiring, to the performance management expectations. The lack of alignment with job role expectations, ambiguity around purpose, and lack of feedback leads to disengagement. No matter where we join you in the talent lifecycle, we consider the full journey for employees from recruiting and hiring expectations to current job responsibilities. We consider the talent management software, the performance management process in place, and the culture of your company. Our talent strategy services are designed to engage employees and maximize potential with self-serve automation and human-centered moments that matter. 

Synthology believes that a well-deserved thank you holds tremendous power, and 68% of employees agree that a recognition program positively impacts retention (SHRM). That’s why we forge a transformative space for people to grow, become our best selves, and surpass our own expectations.


The leadership landscape is shifting. Millennials will make up 75% of the workforce by 2025. As these emerging leaders step into challenging roles, your organization will be redefined through a new leadership lens.

There is a generational shift in the workplace. Millennials will make up 75% of the workforce by 2025. While GenX will still hold 50% of the leadership roles, the influence of millennial ways of working will dominate workplace culture. GenX leaders need to be prepared to lead the workplace of the future to attract, retain, and grow talent within the organization. Millennial leaders need to quickly develop the organizational and technical expertise required to lead organizations through a volatile and ambiguous business environment. 

At Synthology, we focus on creating adaptable leaders through a Strengths-based leadership lens. Our cohort-based coaching programs align with your vision and values, team composition, anticipated business challenges, and individual needs. Our immersive experience incorporates scenario-based challenges unique to your organization and designed to develop resilient leaders for the workplace of the future.

Workforce Planning

Headcount is not workforce planning. Our human-centered tech enabled approach pairs organizational and industrial practices with AI-enabled data to evaluate, forecast, and sync talent strategy.

Attrition and skill gaps are two of the biggest factors limiting organizational potential. Many companies are struggling with turnover and retirement, and unable to get back to full capacity post-pandemic. Positions remain unfilled as recruiters struggle to find qualified people in the workplace. New hires and seasoned employees are struggling to adopt systems that were implemented during the pandemic, and the shifting job responsibilities due to changes in the market are future challenging productivity in the workplace. As organizational leaders look ahead, workforce planning becomes a daunting issue. At Synthology, we recognize the challenges and bring a full talent lifecycle lens including people, process and technology to our consulting solutions. Our human-centered tech enabled approach pairs organizational and industrial practices with AI-enabled data to evaluate, forecast and sync talent management practices in your organization with the broader market issues to fortify your talent strategy.