Synthology Services

Candidate Experience

By 2030, the global talent crunch could reach 85.2 million people, resulting in the loss of trillions of dollars in economic opportunity for companies.  Is your recruiting strategy optimized to attract the right fit for your organization?

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Onboarding Experience

Is your company’s onboarding program a paperwork process? Up to 20% of staff turnover happens within the first 45 days of employment. Redefine your new hire experience with clarification, connection, culture and competence.

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Learning Experience

The World Economic Forum has warned that the increasing skill gap will prevent companies from modernizing their business model. 44% of individuals will need to retrain to remain competent in the workforce. Ready to transition from low engagement training to high ROI learning experiences?

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Emerging Leaders

As GenZ and Millenials step into mission-critical roles, they will redefine your organization by bringing a new lens to your company or agency’s leadership. Synthology prepares your organization and its’ emerging leaders for this change.

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Leader as Coach

Today’s preferred management style is shifting from command and control to a style based on inclusion, collaboration, and recognition. Equip your leaders with tools to evolve as coaches. 

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Culture Accelerator

A positive workplace culture reflects purpose and meaning, and enhances employee engagement, productivity, and well‐being while attracting and retaining top talent. We help transform your culture into a community.

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